Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls: By Patrick Ness
Pages Read: 1 - 129
Genre: Fiction

   The title of my book is "A Monster Calls" by Patrick Ness. The genre of this book is fiction.
This book is about a boy named Conor, Conor is a very depressed boy who has had to suffer through divorce. Conor is having very realistic dreams of a monster coming every night too is house. This is an exciting book because you never know what is going to happen next, it is like a horror movie without the non-scary jumpscares. The theme of this book is fear because Conor is always afraid that this monster will kill him in his dream or as he thinks of it as a dream when it is reality. He bleeds from his face every night from the monster. This is a good book because it is very spooky and gloomy book that i think all readers would enjoy to read.


  1. I liked how you said what type of problems he had to face and what type of dreams he was going through.

  2. You did a good job on the summary, but you didn't write anything about why you liked the book.

  3. very good summary but I feel like during your video you ran out of things to say.
