Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blog for Week 10/26/15- Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip

Prompt: How does the conflict drive the character development?
Curveball: The Year I lost my Grip by Jordan Sonnenblick
Pages 1-22

     The book I am currently reading is Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip by Jordan Sonnenblick. This book is about a boy named Peter Friedman. Peter's favorite thing to do in is off time is pitch...A LOT! In the championship for Peter, his job is to close the game out pitching. He has been having problems with his arm all season. Every single pitch in the last inning hurt is arm a lot. On the second to last pitch he hears a crack in his arm. He ignores it, but on the very last pitch, he breaks his arm. His baseball career is over. After his arm is broken, the next day he gets arm surgery, after the surgery he wants to be a photographer. His grandpa talked him into it because he is a photographer.

     The conflict so far is his decision to train his way back to becoming a pitcher again, or giving up his biggest passion, in order to become a photographer. His decision of becoming a photographer will change him. He likes to take photos, but he also likes to play baseball, but if he chooses to train back to becoming a baseball player, it will take hard work to get back. He ultimately chooses to become a photographer. He sees the world differently, he sees that their is more to life than a glove and a ball. He made the right choice because only a few people recover form him. He is now not lazy, and tries to work hard into becoming a professional photographer. He develops a sense of desperation and hard work. Being a proffesional photographer is what drives him as a person.

1 comment:

  1. You had a good blog Robert. It was clear how the character is changing along with the conflict, and I was able to understand what you were saying without having any former knowledge about the book.
