"Six Dead on Pure Furnish"
A fourteen year old
Innocently gets into a car with a stranger
Click click click shot after shot
The semiautomatic hand gun goes off
Blood spills out the car
The fifth time the man has done this
Kalamazoo never has had something this serious
An online resource never seemed so deadly
Like it all went well for the villain
The innocent were killed
Justice has to be served
Fear and anger were spreading all around the town
The police angry at the driving co. Uber
Fear from the citizens that this will happen again
Confusion by the police of how they let it happen
Fear from Uber that they are going to get sued
Five more lying on the seat
Staining the pure white furnish
No thoughts at all
While the killer is loose
Will this happen to another
“AAA…” was all you heard
It was like a scene that happens in Englewood
Or Harlem, or Maywood
But why in this innocent town
They had a date with devil
And it didn’t go very well
Don’t do that they said
It’s dangerous they said
There is no reason to they said
Just ask someone else they said
They should have listened
To the many voices telling them

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